Exercícios sobre Second Conditional

Publicado por Janaína Pereira Mourão
em 18/12/2015 17:36

Treine seus conhecimentos com nossos exercícios sobre “Second Conditional”!

Questão 1

Put the verb into the correct tense:

1. If I _________________ (be) you, I _________________ (get) a new classmate for the work.

2. If she _________________ (be) single, she _________________ (travel) more.

3. If they _________________ (not / be) friends, they _________________ (be) sad about it.

4. If I _________________ (have) enough money, I _________________ (buy) my own company.

Questão 2

Choose the correct option for these 2nd Conditional sentences:

If I __________ more money, I would travel around the world.

a) have

b) had

c) would have

d) will have

Questão 3

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a estrutura da segunda condicional em inglês.

a) Simple present + Simple present + imperative

b) Simple Present + will + verb

c) Simple Past +Would + verb

d) Simple Past + would + verb to be

e) Simple Past + would have + verb

Questão 4

Complete correctly:

If she __________ how to drive, she wouldn't take car lessons.

a) knows

b) know

c) knew

d) known

Resposta - Questão 1

1. If I were you, I would get anew classmate for the work.

2. If she were single, she would travel more.

3. If they weren’t friends, they would be sad about it.

4. If I had enough money, I would buy my own company.

A estrutura da “Second Conditional” é: if + simple past + would (could, might, should) + infinitivo (sem o “to”).

Resposta - Questão 2

b) – O verbo obrigatoriamente precisa vir no passado (had).

Resposta - Questão 3

c) Simple Past +Would + verb

Resposta - Questão 4

c) knew – O verbo obrigatoriamente precisa vir no passado. (Knew - Know)


Condicional em inglês – Second Conditional